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Performance Development

An employee-centric approach to development and how it differs from Performance Management

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While Performance Management is organization-centric, identifying and tracking the things the team member needs to do for the organization, Performance Development is employee-centric, with a core focus on helping team members develop and grow.


A Performance Development solution like Teamatics provides each team member visibility into all of the opportunities for them to develop within the organization – as opposed to being forced to look outside the organization for such opportunities – and an understanding of the skills and competencies required to be successful in any job.


Performance Development is done “for” team members, while Performance Management feels like it is done “to” team members.


Performance Development helps employees create their own personal roadmap for growth and development, step-by-step building their skills, taking on new challenges and increasing their contributions to the success of the organization.


It is forward-looking and inherently positive, focused on building skills and aligning personal strengths, interests and passions to organizational needs and opportunities.


On the other hand, Performance Management is embodied by the dreaded performance review, which is backward looking and characterized by anxiety and fear.


With Performance Management, the manager is the judge, wielding power in the assessment of goals and the determination of the outcome of the review, whereas with Performance Development the manager is the coach, helping guide and mentor the team member as they grow and develop, providing direction, focus and resources.

See how MIT has "deeply committed to the success and growth of every employee throughout their career" by instilling a culture of Performance Development.

Interested in exploring further?

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